Thursday, 17 March 2016

Life becomes Better when we challenge our FEARS.

F-E-A-R has two meaning

                “Forget Everything and Run”


                “Face Everything and Rise” 

We are always in control of the things we fear. It might be the people or a particular situation which we are feared off. We can be feared of anything, it might be height or water or dark or insect. It can be anything.

FEAR is like a monster, whenever we fear of something we are actually feeding that monster and making it strong.

Whenever we avoid a situation which we are feared off, the monster grows bigger and bigger. So it is very important to take some kind of steps to show it to FEAR that we are also strong.

This is why Mark Twain has said: “Do the thing you fear the most and the death of FEAR is certain”. When we face the fear, it increases our confidence level by many folds and when we fear then it kills our confidence.

Here are some of the way I increase my confidence. Most of the time it is by doing things that I have never done before.

Bungee jumping:

River Rafting:

I want to end this post with a beautiful story.

One of the biggest fear we all have is the fear of death.

One day a young man asked his Master, “I fear death. How can I get rid of this fear?”

“Tell me,” the old man answered, “When you borrow money, are you afraid to give them later back?”

“Of course not,” the student answered with surprise, “but what does this have to do with my fear?”

The teacher bent down and took a handful of soil from the ground and continued, “You have received your body in debt with required return. And every bite of bread eaten by you, every sip of water drank by you increases that debt. You are made from dust on which you walk and the ground is your main creditor, constantly reminding you of this debt. It is pulling you down towards it. In the end, the ground will swallow you whole, without any remains.”

The old man threw the soil into the air, after attaining its fall, he finished, “No matter how high you rise, how long you are in the flight, you will still need to fall down. That is given. And to cope with the fear of this fall is very easy – stop thinking about yourself as the master of your body. Face the thought that you are just a tenant. And because you don’t know the length of your rent, remember that it can end at any second. We are all debtors, and our debts will certainly be recovered, no matter if we are afraid of it or not. So is there a point of being afraid?”

The fear of DEATH follows from the fear of LIFE. A person who lives fully is prepared to die any time.
So let’s not waste our time thinking about the death. Instead, let us live each moment of our life fully.
More about conquering your fear in How To Win Your Day - Chapter 6. 

Share your experience of facing fears and please do share the post.

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