Sunday, 12 July 2015

Have you met your ENEMIES

Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without a disaster
 Once said by a writer and understood now. By this let’s know who is a enemy? – The most simple and easy to know meaning is, “It is a thing that harms you, weakens you, or put hurdles in your work or ease of life.”
These enemies will stop you every now and then, today and tomorrow, they’ll scold you, demote you, demoralize you very bad and so on, and surely your life will be a total crap. But there is one way to get rid of all this, by killing our enemies today, else we die tomorrow. Kill them with your success and bury them with a humble smile. So let’s find out what enemies we’re going to kill !!!


“Everything you want is always on the other side of fear”

Fear is never real; it only exists in our thoughts, in our mind. Fear is just in our imagination and nowhere else. One must not fear, fear kills the mind and the numerous super outstanding ideas in it; fear kills you daily and brings the total obliteration. LEARN, STAND, FACE, LOSE, GETUP, FACE AND WIN. You have to face your fear to win it, to defeat it. Once you defeat it, your inner eye will set you a path and lead you to success.
Fear defeats itself by saying – Face Everything And Rise!
Now let’s see how to overcome fear, we should always accept that we fear of something and be conscious about it. By not accepting the fear one cannot defeat it. Every time a successful business man starts a new project, he/she accepts that he is afraid to get in loss for the project and on the same time has the hope to succeed and get onto heights from that project. He takes a lot if actions, he works hard, trains him and defeats the fear in him and succeeds. By just sitting and thinking about the fear will never defeat it we need to be active and know the areas of our success. Ordinary people will be afraid and just be thinking to defeat the fear; rather the successful people will be bold and string to go out and face it, and hence will earn name and fame in life. This will be the basic difference between the two.


            “Worrying does not empty tomorrows troubles, it empties today of its strength.”

Worry is the biggest enemy if all; it kills your today and ruins your tomorrow. By worrying one will never get anything and will never succeed for his work. Most of the time we worry about the things that has already happened and about the things that are yet to happen.

1.      “I don’t know if I reply my boss in the manner.”
2.      “I don’t know if I will take the right job.”
3.      “Don’t know if my decision is correct.”

Be concerned to your work, be positive, stay happy, do your duties nicely, make new friends, discuss your shortcoming with them, share your Sadness and most important of all – Always keep a Smile in your face. Accept that by worrying about something you won’t gain anything and you won’t control it. It fetches absolutely nothing and drains all your energy.


Killing this enemy of yours is most important, because it in turn kills the most precious thing in today’s world – Your Time! I must quote a really famous and absolutely true line –

“Who Gossips with you, Will gossip about you!”

Because there is soo much of useless and not at all important things that we talk all day and sometimes night. Gossiping about another person does not show what kind of person he/she is, but actually shows what kind of person we are
Now that we’ve understood that gossiping is like training of our mind in a negative manner. Let’s see how we avoid it, let’s not talk over the limits; and let’s not talk about a person in his absence especially negative things. And it’s always better to be away from people you know, will gossip. I am not telling you not have fun talks with friends. But there is huge difference between fun and gossip.
Just try to be yourself and results will be much more positive. You will have less stuff to worry about, much more attention for your work, lots and lots of improvement in health. And this is the way to become a successful man from an ordinary person.
Finally I might say Kill the Fear in you, Defeat the Worry and Stop Gossiping.  These are the keys to make your life more livable.

Call for Action:  
1.     Accept the fear.
2.     There is no use of worrying, take more actions.
3.     Let’s not talk about a person in his absence especially negative things.
To learn more tricks on how to tackle your enemy and make every day as  your best day you can visit